Embark on a magical journey with Unicorn Tears Gin Liqueur - a captivating blend that's sure to enchant any unicorn devotee. Combining the strength of classic gin's juniper essence with a delightful fruity sweetness reminiscent of a liqueur, this spirit holds an irresistible allure for both unicorn lovers and imaginative mixologists seeking a unique twist. With its shimmering silver leaf particles, this gin liqueur sparkles with an otherworldly charm, while a symphony of flavors unfolds - from intense juniper and zesty citrus to notes of mint, coriander, and licorice root. Delight your taste buds with candied oranges, balanced by bittersweet tones and a hint of maple syrup in the aftertaste. To release the true unicorn magic, give the bottle a gentle turn before uncorking, and let the enchantment unfold. Created by the artisans at Firebox, Unicorn Tears Gin Liqueur is a bewitching experience waiting to be savored.43
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